About Us

We are your safety advocate.

Are you frustrated with broken sidewalks/parking lots, trip hazards in hotels and stores, unresponsive landlords, or other hazards that seem to never get corrected? Lookout empowers you to proactively recognize and take on the potential hazards and violations around you. Beginning in 2019, our national program was founded on the idea that no one should be forced to live or work in an unsafe environment.


At Lookout, we call attention to hazards, by sending certified communications to the offending businesses. We compel them to take action, ultimately preventing accidents and injuries before they happen.


While other resources are available, they are designed to react once you are hurt. They often show up after an accident to investigate, represent you in a settlement, or make a record of the incident. We are here to be proactive and be your advocate before you, or someone else falls victim.

Don’t wait.

Start safe-guarding your community today.

Take the necessary proactive action and submit a certified violation report request to address your health, safety or environmental issue.

Report a Hazard